Formula 10.0.6 Review


I’ve been using this product for about three weeks now and considering the previous state that my skin was in, I would recommend this product to others.

I have really oily skin so I tend to go for products which are made to reduce shine and oils, but instead it makes my skin really dry and flacky.

Another issue with my skin is that I have dark spots and pores (sometimes people mistake them for freckles, but NO!! its scars and spots.)  And so, this product from Formula 10.0.6 is in my opinion the best product out there that REALLY works, if your looking for long term results.

I’ve used so many products over the years, that have worked for a fortnight  or so but didn’t really live up to its promise.

I bet your wondering all this time “what is that on her face?” Well it’s a face mask by Formula 10.0.06 called ‘Deep Down Detox’.

When you initially apply it on your face you’ll notice how thick the product  actually is (I guess that’s why it’s a face mask). I really love how you can feel it working straight way, with a stinging sensation.

However, although I put a thin layer on my face, the mask stiffens real hard and smilling in that picture was almost impossible (like getting a face lift for the first time).

I also use Rescue me, Smooth Operator, Deep Down Detox and So Totally Clean, all products of Formula 10.0.6. All can be purchased at the local chemist, Coles, Woolworths, Pharmasist for less then 10 buck!

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